frontend developer


Accademia Italiana della Cucina

Cover and backcover of History of Italian Cuisine in Comics' eBook
  • Customer: Accademia Italiana della Cucina
  • Project: making of graphic novel eBook
  • Website:
  • Features: images optimization, supply of EPUB and MOBI formats

funicella servizi editoriali

Screenshot of Funicella Servizi Editoriali's website

mancini solutions

Screenshot of Mancini Solutions' website

ordine avvocati busto arsizio

Screenshot of Ordine Avvocati Busto Arsizio's website
  • Customer: Ordine degli avvocati di Busto Arsizio
  • Project: complete web project
  • Website:
  • Features: design, information architecture, usability and data management

lorena la rocca – bologna

Screenshot of Lorena La Rocca's website

ricette crudiste

Screenshot of the Ricette Crudiste's website